Bible Study
9:30 AM
Morning Worship
8:15 AM & 10:30 AM
Evening Worship
6:30 PM
Our Purpose
There is a God-shaped hole in the heart of every teenager that only a relationship with Jesus Christ can fill. Our desire is to see teenagers live for the Lord for a lifetime. We want to lay the groundwork for a lifelong relationship with Christ. In order to lay the foundation for this goal we need to have the right priorities.
Our first priority is to preach. Nothing is going to impact our teenagers like God’s Word. Anything less than God’s Word will not keep young people living for the Lord for a lifetime. We want to make sure our teenagers understand that nothing in youth group is as important as proclaiming God’s Word.
Our second priority is to partner. God has given teenagers three supports to help them live the Christian life. First and foremost, the Holy Spirit is given to all Christians to lead and guide them. We want to encourage our teenagers to yield wholly to the Holy Spirit. Second, God has established the Christian home, and our desire is not to diminish the authority of parents but to magnify it. At Eastside Baptist Church, we are committed to uplifting the parent’s authority! Third, Jesus Christ established the church to help Christians continue in truth. Teenagers need to understand that the church is vital to their growth!
Our third priority is to protect. We want to provide an atmosphere for Christian fellowship. Our desire is to provide an atmosphere where teenagers can mature and grow in the Lord and be supported by teenagers and adults who are likeminded. We do this through monthly activities and fellowships.
If you have any questions about our youth philosophy or upcoming activities please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to serve you!
Pastor Jac can be reached at the church or at jacc1314@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
Typically, teens have the opportunity to attend one activity or one after-church fellowship throughout the month. These activities are designed to protect our teens by offering an environment where they can forge friendships, compete, and laugh in a wholesome environment.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
We divide the teens into middle school and high school groups and we offer three Sunday School classes for teenagers. The middle class meets in the Family Enrichment Center located behind the main church building at 9:30 A.M. The high school classes meet in the Sunday School Wing of the Main Building. The classes and class leaders are as follows:
Youth Pastor
High School Girls
High School Boys
Middle School Class
Wednesday Youth Group
Each Wednesday at 7:00pm the teens have a separate service in the teen room. Our teen program called, IGNITE, consists of games, food, prayer, fellowship and most importantly the preaching of God’s Word. Our desire is to exalt our three priorities during this service so our young people will live for the Lord for a lifetime.
We are currently studying through Transforming Truths: Thirteen Life-Changing Passages Every Christian Should Know by Jim Schettler.
195 Serral Drive
Greeneville, TN 37745
Bible Study
9:30 AM
Morning Worship
8:15 AM & 10:30 AM
Evening Worship
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Ignite Youth Group
7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM